About Me

Camping in the woods, Germany

Dr. Zander Rewse-Davies

The more I travel around this beautiful world, the greater my urge to get away from the crowds and find solitude in adventure.  As a young scallywag I often dreamed of climbing the seven summits, until I realised just how crowded and unpleasant they were.  I believe that the urge to travel, climb and explore should come from one’s appreciation of the untouched environments and absence of civilisation found on such adventures, not for bragging rights down at the pub (or more likely Twitter these days).  Furthermore, people often become so focused on their primary objective that they forget to smile and do things with style.

Beauty in nature takes many forms, from multicoloured palettes in the sky above towering peaks, to the intricate and glamourous attires worn by songbirds or orchids.  I take great pleasure in each of these elements that nature has to offer and there isn’t much in the wilderness that I don’t enjoy, especially as I reside in a particularly groomed corner of the world.  With little wilderness on my doorstep, when I am not exploring I am often found tending my own back-garden jungle or pandering to my inner adrenaline-junkie on a mountain bike.

As someone who has far too many keen interests to ever truly excel at one, I consider myself one of those ‘jack of all trades…’ type of chaps; an all-rounder.  You won’t find me precariously perched on some tiny holds of an ‘E’ graded climb, nor will I be seen delicately inching my way up an overhanging frozen waterfall with my last ice screw 10m below.  However, I am comfortable in changing situations from all the way down at 56m deep in a shipwreck to nearly 7km high on a mountain. While, my day job involves problem solving while trying to keep a cool head in a potential calamity.  I feel it is this sort of adaptability that is needed in the harsh or remote environments that an explorer is often drawn to.  With a mechanical engineering background, I revel in rebuilding, modifying and repairing equipment.  Being able to fashion a repair piece for a broken stove pump with the corner of a credit card can come in handy at times, and knowledge of fracture mechanics and geology is most useful when placing protection on a climb.

Now that I’ve introduced myself, feel free to explore my website and read about my adventures around the globe.


Between the two of us, Zander is no doubt the one who is drawn to the more extreme expeditions. Let me assure you though, that I get my fair share of excitement as well. When I am not working in my day job as a business developer for renewable energy solutions, I am general manager, head of marketing, chief editor, master cook, travel agent, stylist, and much more to my partner in crime. Even before I knew my ‘Gentleman Explorer,’ I had lots adventures of my own to some immensly beautiful and fascinating corners of the earth. I am more than a little proud to reveal that I have gotten a taste of each continent, including Antarctica. The experience has demonstrated how little I know, of how much is still out there to be explored and to be discovered.

When I am not travelling, or chasing Zander to remove the piles of expedition equipment all over our house, I am also the publisher of this website.

I hope you enjoy it!

Alexandra at the helm